Lab 6: Garbage Collector


In this lab, your will design and implement a garbage collector called Gimple (Garbage collector is simple) and link it into your Tiger compiler, so that your compiler can manage the Java heap in an automatic manner.

This lab consists of two parts. In the first part, you will design and implement GC maps, including class maps for classes and integer arrays, and stack maps for stack frames and physical registers. In the second part, you will design and implement the Gimple garbage collector based on Cheney's copying algorithm. This algorithm is easier to implement though less space-efficient.

Getting Started

First, check out the source for lab 6:

    $ git commit -am 'my solution to lab5'
    $ git checkout -b lab6 origin/lab6

these commands will commit your changes to lab5 branch to your local Git repository and then create and check out the remote lab6 branch into your local lab6 branch.

Again, you will now need to merge your code from lab5 into the new lab6 branch:

    $ git merge lab5

Do not forget to resolve any conflicts before commit to the local lab6 branch:

    $ git commit -am 'lab6 init'

Now, you can import the new lab6 code into your favorite IDE. There are a bunch of new files that you should browse through:

    runtime/gc.*:    Gimple garbage collector

Hand-in Procedure

When you finished your lab, zip you code and submit to the online teaching system.

Part A: GC Maps

In this lab, you will first design and implement GC maps, which are data structures generated by compilers to aid in garbage collectors.

The Two-Phase Abstraction

The right figure presents a sample Java memory layout, during the execution of a Java application. Conceptually, the task of a garbage collector can be divided into two sub-phases: scanning and collecting. During the scanning phase, the collector scans through objects in the heap to mark which objects are reachable whereas which are not. Next, during the collecting phase, the collector will collect unreachable objects to reclaim heap spaces. Of course, the division of the garbage collection into scanning and collecting phases is more of explanation purpose. Real-world garbage collectors might combine the two phases or even make use of other strategies.

GC Maps

Before designing and implementing the garbage collector, two problems must be answered: first, how does the garbage collector know where to trace the pointers when scanning an object? Second, how does the garbage collector determine where to start to trace the Java heap? Taking the memory layout in the right figure as an example. Answers to the first problem will tell the collector to trace both the second and third fields when scanning the object with data 15 (in the first field). And answers to the second problem will tell the collector to trace the Java heap starting from program variables p and r, instead of q.

To answer the aforementioned problems, the garbage collector need the detailed information about memory layouts called GC maps. Specifically, to tackle the first problem, the garbage collector will need class maps recording which fields are pointers in a given class. To tackle the second problem, the garbage collector will need stack maps recording which physical registers or stack slots in a given stack frame are pointers. The compiler is responsible for generating these GC maps.

Class GC Maps

For each class, you need to generate a class GC map data structure specifying the number of fields in this class as well as pointers among them. You can use the string-based representation for the class GC maps with a character Y for pointer field and N otherwise. Furthermore, to save memory occupation, you might store the class GC map in the virtual method table instead of in each object.

To put the above discussion into perspective, consider the following example. The Java class A has two pointer fields (x and z) besides one integer field (y):

class A{
    B x;
    int y;
    A z;
    ... // methods


The class GC map class_gc_map for A can be placed at the first slot in the virtual method table for A:

struct A_virtual_table{
    char *class_gc_map = "YNY";   // class GC map
    ...                           // virtual method pointers as before

where the string "YNY" specifies length of the object as well as type for each field.

Exercise 1. Modify the code generator in your Tiger compiler, to generate class GC maps for each class. You might store the class GC map in the first field of the class' virtual method table. And you can set up the virtual table pointer in each object to points to the 2nd slot of the virtual method table (i.e., the class_gc_map resides at index -1), so that you do not need to modify other parts of your code generator.
Exercise 2. Is the string-based implementation of class GC map the best strategy? In what scenarios it is inefficient? Can you propose a better idea for class GC map representation? Implement your idea into your Tiger compiler.
Exercise 3. Design an implementation strategy of class GC map for arrays. Implement your strategy into the Tiger compiler. Recall that MiniJava only has integer array.

To this point, your Tiger compiler should compile all test cases successfully and the generated binaries should run correctly (even though your Gimple garbage collector is still missing). Again, do not forget to test your implementations and fix any bugs before continuing.

Challenge. Other features in full Java (e.g., type castings, array of classes, or reflections) might also need support from the class map. Propose design strategy to extend the current class GC maps to support these features, and implement your strategy into your Tiger compiler.

Stack GC Maps

To generate stack GC maps, you will generate, for each call site (a.k.a, safe points), a data structure recording which stack slots and live physical registers holding pointers. Hence, there will be a list of N data structures for N static call sites. For example, consider the following sample assembly code your Tiger compiler might generate:

    call g   // a call site (to the function g) and
    L_1:     // ... its return address
    call h

    call k

the function f contains 2 call sites with its corresponding return address (e.g., the function call to g with the return address L_1), whereas the function n has just 1 call site with its return address. Your Tiger compiler will generate one data fragment for each call site, respectively:

    L_1;        // the return address
    slots;      // stack slot offsets containing pointers
    liveRegs;   // registers containing live pointers

    L_2;        // the return address
    slots;      // stack slot offsets containing pointers
    liveRegs;   // registers containing live pointers

    L_3;        // the return address
    slots;      // stack slot offsets containing pointers
    liveRegs;   // registers containing live pointers

the field L_i (i=1, 2, or 3) records the return address and will be used by the garbage collector to figure out the dedicated function for a specific return address during stack walking (to be discussed next), the field slots records stack slot offsets containing pointers; and the field liveRegs records registers containing pointers and also is live across this call.

Exercise 4. Design concrete data structures to implement the above data structures. It should be noted that both fields slots and liveRegs are of variable lengths. One possible strategy is to use the string-based representation as we did for the class GC maps, but you are free to propose your own ideas and implement them into your Tiger compiler.

Callee-saved registers pose a technical challenge to garbage collectors as they might contain heap pointers and might be pushed onto the callee's stack frame. To address this challenge, your might perform a whole call stack analysis, from the caller to the callee, to analyze which callee-saved registers contain pointers and in which function they are pushed on the stack frame.

Exercise 5. Propose an algorithm to support callee-save registers. In the meanwhile, propose a data structure to store such information in the stack GC maps.
Exercise 6. Modify your Tiger compiler to generate the stack GC maps.
Challenge. Our current criterion for deciding safe points, while correct, is conservative in that we treat every function call site as safe points. Propose a new criterion to decide safe points more precisely, which may save spaces the stack GC maps occupied. You might find constructing call graphs useful.
Challenge. For real-world multithreaded Java programs, what technical difficulties might manifest to collect such programs? How do you calculate stack GC maps for such programs?
Challenge. How do you calculate stack GC maps for a program in weakly typed languages (e.g., C/C+)? Recall that, variables might always be cast into pointers due to the lacking of strong typing in those languages.

To this point, your Tiger compiler should compile all test cases successfully and the generated binaries should run correctly (even though your Gimple garbage collector is still missing). Again, do not forget to test your implementations and fix any bugs before continuing.

Part B: Garbage Collection

In this part of the lab, you will design and implement the Gimple garbage collector. You will first design and implement a Java heap, then design an object model for MiniJava. Next, you will build GC roots by a call stack walking by leveraging the stack GC maps (as we have discussion in last section). Finally, you will implement a copying collection based on Cheney's algorithm.

The Java Heap

In this part of the lab, you will first design a data structure to implement a tailored Java heap, which is transparent, flexible, and secure. As you will use copying collection in your Gimple GC, so the heap consists of two semi-heap of equal sizes.

Exercise 7. Design and implement a data structure to represent Java heap. You may use a static heap (i.e., the heap size is static) or a dynamic one (i.e., the heap size is tunable). Think carefully about its interface design.

GC Roots and Stack Walking

Upon a collection, the GC should first identify GC roots by leveraging the stack GC map as you have created above. The identification is performed by walking the call stack to inspect each stack frame. To be specific, suppose the stack layout just before the GC execution is as follows:

                 \|/                                |
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------> stack grows
   ... | ret | saved-rbp | locals | ... | ret | saved-rbp |  locals | ...

You should process each stack frame as follows. First you process the most recent stack frame (i.e., the rightmost one) by fetching the return address ret, and use it as the key to index into the stack GC maps to figure out the corresponding map for the return address ret. You obtain, from the target map, the detailed stack layout for the target frame, telling where pointers reside. Similarly, you walk the call stack to the next stack frame to repeat the above process, until exhausting the whole call stack. As the result of this stack walking, you create a list of all GC roots to be scanned.

Exercise 8. Design and implement a data structure to represent GC roots. Then implement the above stack walking into your Tiger collector to identify all GC roots.

To this point, your Tiger compilers should compile all test cases successfully. Fix any bugs before continuing.

Challenge! The stack walking is inherently machine dependent as it will walk the low-level call stack. Suppose that your Tiger compiler is generating code for a different ISA (e.g., AArch64 or RISC-V), which part of the stack GC map data structure as well as the stack walking strategy should be modified? Can you propose a machine-independent API to hide the machine discrepancies effectively?

Object Model

An object model encodes the strategy that how an object can be laid out in the memory (the heap). A good object model should support all kinds of possible operations efficiently and conveniently on an object: virtual method dispatching, locking, garbage collection, and so on. Meanwhile, the object model should encode an object as compact as possible to save memory spaces.

In previous labs, you have used a simple yet effective object model for normal objects and (integer) array objects in MiniJava. In this lab, you will extend the object model to support garbage collection. To be specific, you might use the following object model with 4 extra fields as the object header:

struct object{
    void *vptr;        // virtual method table pointer
    long isObjOrArray; // is this a normal object or an (integer) array object?
    long length;       // array length
    void *forwarding;  // forwarding pointer, will be used by your Gimple GC
    ...;               // normal fields for class or array

the first field vptr is a virtual method table pointer pointing to the class virtual method table, to support virtual method dispatching; the second field isObjOrArray indicates whether the target object is a normal object or an array; the third field length records the length of the array (if the target object is indeed an array); finally, the fourth field forwarding is a special pointer which will be used by your Gimple GC. You are free to modify or extend this representation, or propose your own representation.

Exercise 9. Modify the functions Tiger_new() and Tiger_newIntArray() in garbage collector, to make use of this new object model. You might also need to change your code generator of your Tiger compiler to reflect the changes of the object model.
Challenge! The object model you have been using so far, though simple and easy to implement, may waste memory space for small objects due to the object header space occupation. Can you design and implement a fancier object model to reduce the size of the object header? Can you use just one, instead of 4 machine words, to represent the header?
Challenge! Design an object model to support other features in full Java: virtual method dispatching, multi-threading, locking, garbage collection, interface methods, and hashing, among others. You can take a look at this article and this paper to start with.

Copying Collection

In this part, you are going to implement the garbage collector, based on Cheney's algorithm using a breadth-first strategy. You should read Tiger book chapter 13.3 first, if you have not read the algorithm.

Exercise 10. Implement the copying collector in the function Tiger_gc() in the file runtime/gc.c.
Challenge! Suppose you are collecting garbages for programs in unsafe languages like C/C++, can you still use a copying collection strategy as the Cheney's algorithm? What challenges might you face? Propose ideas to address these potential challenges.
Challenge! To compile multithreaded programs (e.g., full Java), what changes should be made to the collection algorithm? Implement your idea into your collector. Hint, you may implement a simple concurrent collector where the Java program is still single-threaded, that is, a programs consists of two threads: Java application and the collector. How to coordinate these two threads?
Challenge! What other challenges your collector might face brought by other features of Java (e.g., locking or finalization?)? And how do you address these challenges?

To this point, you should have a working Tiger compiler with a full-fledged garbage collector. Do not forget to test your compiler as well as collector.

Exercise 11. Your Gimple GC implemented so far runs silently behind the application. In order to improve its observability, you might instrument your GC to record and output useful statistical information. For example, when your application runs, besides the normal output, your Gimple GC can also output log information like:
    GC round 1: time 0.3s, collected 512 bytes, heap size 10223 bytes
    GC round 2: time 0.2s, collected 128 bytes, heap size 14567 bytes
    GC round 3: time 0.8s, collected 4096 bytes, heap size 18979 bytes
presenting the GC round number, time taken, the collected bytes, and remaining heap size for each round of GC, respectively. Implement this feature into your Gimple collector.

You can further improve your Gimple GC in various ways. The following are some ideas worthy trying, but, nevertheless, you are encouraged to propose your own ideas and implement them.

Challenge! Propose your own ideas to improve your Gimple GC. For instance:


This completes the lab. Remember to hand in your solution to the online teaching system.