Computer Systems & Security Group, USTC
Plato: Rust Security Project
Rust is an emerging language which provides both efficiency and security, by introducing a group of novel language features such ownership, borrows, explicit lifetimes, and automatic memory management. As a result, Rust has been widely used successfully in many scenarios such as OS kernels, Web browsers, Database engines, and compilers.
Although Rust provide a high degree of security guarantees, it still suffers from memory and concurrency vulnerabilities, due to the unsafe feature it introduced. And recent studies have demonstrated that there .
The goal of the Plato project is to investigate the security of the Rust language. To be specific, this project aims to:
- perform thorough study on vulnerabilities of Rust language, including both memory and concurrency bugs;
- study effective techniques to fix these vulnerabilities automatically (APR);
- study theory and practice to migrate legacy code (especially C/C++ codebase) to Rust, thus leveraging Rust's security checking capabilities.
A Survey of Rust Language Security Research.
Shuang Hu, Baojian Hua, Wanrong Ouyang, and Qiliang Fan.
Journal of Cyber Security. To appear. 2022.
Comprehensive, Automated, and Lifecycle: A Perspective on Rust Security.
Shuang Hu, and Baojian Hua.
Submitted. 2022.
An Empirical Study of Rust Language Feature Usage at the Ecosystem Scale.
Baojian Hua, Shuang Hu, Wanrong Ouyang, and Qiliang Fan.
Submitted. 2022.
RUPAIR: Towards Automatic Buffer Overflow Detection and Rectification for Rust.
Baojian Hua, Wanrong Ouyang, Chengman Jiang, Qiliang Fan, and Zhizhong Pan.
The 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2021). 2021.
RusBox: Towards Efficient and Adaptive Sandboxing for Rust.
Wanrong Ouyang, and Baojian Hua.
The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Fast Abstract. (ISSRE 2021). 2021.
`R: Towards Detecting and Understanding Code-Document Violations in Rust.
Wanrong Ouyang, and Baojian Hua.
The 1st International Workshop on Reliable System Software (RESS 2021). 2021.
- Qiliang Fan
- Shuang Hu
- Baojian Hua
- Wanrong Ouyang