Formal Methods Foundation


Only few of the electronic lecture notes are available here, most are on blackboard.

This schedule is tentative and subject to change at any time.

Date Topic Lectures Assignments
Nov. 15 Introduction LEC: introduction;
Basic set theory;
Context-free grammars;
Principal of induction;

Read: background;
Lab 1: Software setup
DDL: Nov. 30
Nov. 16 Propositional logic Constructive logic LEC: Syntax;
Natural deduction;
Semantics (truth table, Boolean algebra);
Soundness and completeness;
(prop-notes | cons-notes)

Read: propositional logic;
constructive logic
Lab 2: Proof engineering
DDL: Nov. 30
Nov. 22 SAT LEC: Normal form;

Read: SAT
Lab 3: SAT
DDL: Dec. 7
Nov. 23 Recitation I notes: TBA
Nov. 29 Predicate logic LEC: Syntax;
Natural deduction;
Soundness and completeness; (notes)

Read: predicate logic
Nov. 30 EUF theory LEC: Theories;
uninterpreted functions;

Read: EUF theory
Lab 4: Theory for EUF
DDL: Dec. 21
Dec. 6 Linear arithmetic LEC: Syntax;
Branch and Bound;

Read: Linear arithmetic
Lab 5: Linear arithmetic
DDL: Dec. 28
Dec. 7 Recitation II notes: TBA
Dec. 13 Theories for
data structures I
LEC: Bit vectors ;
Arrays ;

Read: Bit vectors
Lab 6: Theories for Data Structures
DDL: Jan. 4
Dec. 14 Theories for
data structures II
LEC: Pointers (notes)
Read: Pointers
Dec. 20 Theory combination
LEC: Theory combination;

Read: Theory combination ;
Dec. 21 Symbolic execution LEC: Operational semantics ;
Path condition;
Symbolic execution ;
Concolic execution;

Read: Operational semantics ;
Survey of symbolic execution ;
Lab 7: Symbolic execution
DDL: Jan. 14
Dec. 27 Verification LEC: Hoare triple ;
Axiomatic semantics;
VC generation ;
Verus example;

Read: Hoare logic ;
Proof-Carrying Code
Lab 8: Hoare logic
DDL: Jan. 14
Dec. 28 Program synthesis LEC: Program synthesis (notes)

Read: TBA
Lab 9: Program synthesis
Jan. 3 Recitation III notes: TBA
Jan. 4
Jan. 10 notes: 2023-2024-2 final exam
Jan. 11
Jan. 14 Final test Location: GT-B112, GT-B212

Open book, open notes;
no electronic devices.

Good luck!